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A member registered Apr 19, 2019

Recent community posts

is there a version for mac?

Android control is just bad. Very uncomfortable but not a bad game.

Look like someone was inspired by brackeys.The game itself was great but you could make it better!!Maybe try changing the cube to a car and the platform to a road.They are alot of change you can do other than making more level.😁😁

(1 edit)

you should fix the enemy because it can't touch the ground  or it will go through the platform.fix the enemy hitbox because its hard to cause damage to enemy and make the player attack animation faster.😁😁😁😁

this game is good,not all people can make a great game using gdevelop good work bro.keep it up!

is there any 32 bit version

It was lagging on my crap pc :( but I hope I could play it.I tried it on my other pc and it was pretty fun but I hope I can play with my brother on the old pc:p

can I have 32 bit version

so I can play with my brother because he have 32 bit version

好 ^_^

I need 32 bit   please ^_^

can I have 32 bit version

you should add AI vehicle bcz it look empty

ok thx bro

I need 32 bit plz

no you did it wrong.There's a key on the table